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6 Reasons to Choose Cluster Box Units (CBUs) for Your Neighborhood

Monday December 30, 2019


In any neighborhood, you'll need to choose an appropriate mail delivery system. While many neighborhoods and residential communities use conventional curbside mailboxes, this isn't the only option from which you can choose. Curbside mailboxes can certainly work, but Cluster Box Units (CBUs) offer an attractive alternative for several reasons.

Are STD-4C Mailboxes Secure? Here's What You Should Know

Friday December 27, 2019


The United States Postal Service (USPS) delivers over 150 billion pieces of mail each year in the United States -- a number that's expected to increase in 2020 and the years to follow. If you're developing a neighborhood or residential community, you should choose highly secure mailboxes to protect against mail theft. While conventional curbside mailboxes are always an option, STD-4C mailboxes may offer an even higher level of security.

The Jorolemon Mailbox: How It Influenced Modern-Day Mailbox Designs

Monday December 16, 2019


Have you heard of the Joroleman mailbox? Even if you're unfamiliar with it, you've probably encountered mailboxes featuring its iconic and classic design. The Joroleman mailbox's rectangular-dome design has become synonymous with residential curbside mailboxes. To learn more about this iconic mailbox and how it influenced modern-day mailbox designs, keep reading.