Are you looking to buy curbside mailboxes for a neighborhood or residential community? If so, you'll need to choose the right posts for them. Unlike centralized mail delivery systems, all curbside mailboxes require a post. Consisting of a vertical pole or structure, it allows you to mount a curbside mailbox at an elevated height. You shouldn't choose just any type of post, however. Below are five important things to consider when choosing posts for curbside mailboxes.
#1) Size
Posts for curbside mailboxes come in different sizes. Some of them are wide, whereas others are narrow. When shopping for posts, you'll need to check the size. Check both the diameter of the post as well as the post's height. Assuming you're buying multiple posts for multiple curbside mailboxes, you should stick with a single size to achieve a uniform appearance throughout your neighborhood or residential community.
#2) Material
Along with the size, you should consider the material from which a post is made. Since they are installed outdoors, posts are exposed to the elements. Fortunately, you can find them in waterproof and weather-resistant materials. Many posts are made of powder-coated aluminum. Aluminum itself is immune to rusting. Combined with a powder-coated surface, it's an excellent material for posts.
#3) Color
You should also consider the color when choosing posts for curbside mailboxes. Not all posts have the same color. In addition to black, you can find them in countless other colors. What color should you choose for posts exactly? There's no single best color. The color of a post will only affect its appearance and not its performance of functionality. Nonetheless, it's a good idea to choose a single color for all your posts.
#4) Breakaway
Breakaway posts are characterized by their ability to break away when struck by a vehicle. They are designed to reduce the risk of serious injury in the event of a collision. If a car or truck strikes a breakaway post, the post will separate from the ground to minimize the risk of serious injury to the driver and his or her passengers.
#5) Topper
Many posts support the use of a topper. A topper, of course, is a decorative ornament that's secured to the top of a post. They often feature intricate shapes and designs to enhance the aesthetics of a post and the curbside mailbox with which it's used. When buying posts, choose a topper that matches the overall decor of your neighborhood or residential community.
About Forsite:
Welcome to Forsite! You’ve found your best source for custom street signs and community wayfinding signs. We manufacture and install upscale site amenities throughout the United States.
Forsite can provide all of your signage needs for your Master Planned Community or Residential Development. We help our customers to create a uniform, upscale appearance and increase property values by "bundling" themed packages of decorative street signage, mailboxes, post and wall mounted lighting, and wayfinding signage
You can count on the experts at Forsite to help improve the quality of your community today. Contact us today to get started by talking to one of our experienced team members at 855-537-0200.